Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Will I ever grow up?

The thirties are a hard age. They just don't fit in anywhere. You got the cool, hip, successful, and fresh-faced twenty-somethings and the cool, hip, even more successful, and still young-looking forty-somethings, and then in between are the thirty-somethings. I'm certainly not cool, hip, or successful; nor do I seem to be aging well. Then throw in the delusion I have that I should still be carded at liquor stores and movie theaters...crazy, I know. But ya know what? I'm okay with being a lame wrinkled luddite who's totally behind the times and with no grand achievements to brag of (although I did teach my dog to sneeze on command...c'mon, that's pretty impressive). What bothers me is that here I am in my thirties, but yet I can't handle simple adult tasks/responsibilities.

Case in point: This is my closet.

Not only is this my closet, this has been my closet for months now. Perhaps you're saying to yourself, "Well, surely her closet is this way because she just had a baby and not enough time to devote to taking care of her stuff." I wish I could jump on that excuse, but I can't. My closets have been like this since I was a kid...but when you're a kid, it's okay; it's expected...but from a thirty-something?!? Seriously, when will I grow out of this?!?

Need more examples? I got 'em.

  • Flossing. I can probably count on two hands the number of times I floss in a year's time (and that's usually after eating corn, pineapple, or popcorn). Not only sad, but gross, I know.
  • Returning rented movies on time. Apparently that's just too hard for me. Let's say I take 10 trips to the video store...9 of them would result in late fees. In fact, I've video store jumped...ya know, when you have high late fees at one so you just join another until you rack up fees there and then you join another.
  • Watering plants. It's amazing Baby is still alive.

I have more, but I'll stop there. Am I being too hard on myself? Are my expectations of adulthood unrealistic? Is it like when I got married the first time and thought that, as a wife, my main responsibility was to darn socks? Seriously. I did. I blame Little House on the Prairie for that one.

ANYWAYS...moving on...

So, I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow. Yay! Chris doesn't have class, so I'll have the car. I'll leave him to tend to baby's nighttime routine while I face the razor and scissors. I'm only a teeny bit nervous. This will be the shortest I've ever gone, I think.

I'll end with a video of baby. She's still not fantastic at this crawling thing, but I think it's gonna click any day now...then it's bye-bye freedom for mom.


granola girl said...

Oh goodness me! I really think we must be sisters or at least best friends in a past life---ok maybe just need committed for the same neurosis. I *think* I am older then you and I only have 2 more kids and WAY more mess then you to show for it.

I'm thinking it was just an error in my understanding but did you say "Is it like when I got married the first time" umm have you been married before and I don't know it? ;) Sorry if you were and I'm totally clueless. LOL

Yeah and you're absolutely right about the crawling....then walking...then running....then running your life thing. It all starts to fly by and you have no clue where your life went but you have a happy, healthy gorgeous girl to bless your life forever. It's magical and worthy every closet in the house being dirty until you're old and gray and have NOTHING else to do.

Sorry I got long winded.

One last thing don't buy a Mazda MPV mini-van...terrible.

Miss Jess said...

Yep, I was married before. I believe that marriage, like everything else you want to be good at, takes practice...so I got my practice run in earlier rather than later ;)

Patton's With Passion said...

First of all, you can't talk smack about Little House. Dude, I LOVE that show. Its the only thing my kids watch besides the occasional PBS show. (And I KNOW every episode well enough to censor any bad parts) lol. Bryan laughs at me because in the first 3 seconds of an episode, I can tell you exactly what happens. I think Caroline would not approve of my skills....sigh.

I have nice closets, but a horrid basement. Its where I shove the clutter I don't want in the main part of the house. Then it just multiplies. Its getting better (since I broke my yard sale/flea market/thrift store habit), but still shameful.