Monday, November 17, 2008

National Clean Your Closet Week

And by "National," I mean those of you who actually read this thing.

You've seen the state of my closet (scroll down if you haven't). I hereby resolve to have it cleaned by Friday. And by "cleaned," I mean all clothes washed and put away. Not a single garbage bag of mixed-state clothes will remain. I love putting clothes in garbage bags. It's such an easy way to forget the mess exists. It's a little after 10 a.m., and Baby is napping. I'm going to start by emptying my entire closet and putting everything in bags (yay!). After that, it's a matter of sorting. I went through the house and gathered a bunch of toys and items unfamiliar to Baby so as to hopefully keep her entertained until at least lunch time. Ya know, things like batteries, bottle caps, containers of coins. Ha! Give me a little more credit...try instead spatulas, magazines, pots, etc. Ever since she's become more mobile, she's gotten much better at independent play (THANK GOODNESS!). The bedroom is vacuumed and baby friendly, so I'm ready to go.

Perhaps you have a closet in need of help, too? JUST DO IT! :)

1 comment:

Patton's With Passion said...

Today is Wednesday, you have a 2 day count down to your deadline. How's it going? My closets are clean, and yesterday I purged a bunch of jackets and coats from the entry closet. I also cleaned out a junk drawer and under the TV armoire. Today I need to tackle the basement some more. ugg.
I read this site, and it has some good tips: