Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Quickie but goodie

Earlier today I envisioned my evening as being a relaxing one...catching up on e-mails and then cuddling up with my Snuggie (yes, I said from the best mother-in-law evah!) and watching the Top Chef marathon while eating microwave popcorn (without the accompanying bowl of butter). Baby has had different plans. She's had a tough day. I'm keeping a close eye on her...I think a trip to the doc might be in order soon. She's had episodes of grabbing at her diaper and crying out...UTI? Yeast infection? Anyways, if it continues tomorrow, we'll be calling the doc. Anyways, though, tonight...she went down early but has been up several times since. I just now got back from holding her and giving her a bottle. I hope the rest of her night goes smoothly. She didn't sleep very well last night either.

Anyways, the point I was trying to make was that this was going to be a short entry...although I do seem to be babbling...

So, I went to the doctor today about my PMS issue. I decided to go to my PCP...2 reasons...first of all, I no longer have an OB/GYN since mine decided to up and leave and I have yet to find a new one; and secondly, my PCP loves to use her prescription pad. Always a good thing :) It never fails that the times I go to the doc for a problem that I find embarassing, an unexpected third party somehow gets involved. Case in point: My doctor didn't walk into the exam room...instead, it was a medical student who looked straight out of middle school. Fantastic. Nothing against medical students...I encourage learning...just not on me, okay?!? I knew I'd end up having to explain everything twice, once to her and once to the doc, and I just didn't feel like doing that, ya know? However, to her credit, she was super nice and sympathetic, knew about PMDD and its treatment, and agreed with the course of action I wanted to try. Basically, from the reading I'd done, it seemed as though "most" women had success with using an SSRI for the 2 weeks before their period. I was on Paxil during a particularly rough time in my life about 11 years ago, and it was amazing for me...I was ready to do it again. She said she just needed to talk to the doctor about it, specifically how it would play into my plans for trying to get pregnant again this summer, and that she and the doc would be back to talk to me. Fine. So, both of them come back, and the first thing the doc says is something to the effect of "So, I hear you're having a little PMS problem?" I guess maybe you had to be there to hear it (or in my head), but it kinda rubbed me the wrong way, like kind of patronizing. Then, when talking about taking the SSRI for 2 weeks out of the month, she said "You know, if you want, you can just take it every day," at which point I felt compelled to explain that I don't NEED it every day...I only have these issues before my period...I'm "fine" otherwise. Her next blunder was "It's generally considered safe to take this while you're pregnant." Um, hello? When I'm pregnant I won't be having my period, so why would I continue to take a pill for symptoms I won't have? To ensure that she left the worst taste possible in my mouth, she ended the appointment by saying "You might want to talk to your insurance company about in-network therapists in your area that perhaps you can talk to." Is it just me or is it plainly obvious that to this woman my problem was psychiatric and not medical??? But you know what, who cares 'cause in the end I walked out of that room with a piece from her prescription pad and in 2 weeks I'll be medicated and hopefully without any urge to show her first-hand the rage I experience. So anyways, thanks, doc, for the Sarafem, a.k.a. Prozac.

So much for quickie.

Before I forget, if I could take a scale pic it would say 172. I'm actually okay with that, even though I was at 167 a couple weeks ago. If you knew what I'd eaten over the past couple weeks, though, you'd understand why a 5-pound gain is a relief!

Before I call it a night, I want to take a moment to thank some mommies out there. Nikki, thanks again for babysitting at the last minute so I could go to the doc. Melanie, thank you, as well, for having us over this was a refreshing change of scenery :)

Only 2 more days...

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