Thursday, February 12, 2009

Early V-Day

So this is night 2 as a twosome. Last night was interesting...we had some pretty wicked wind, and the power ended up going out a little after midnight. The longest it stayed off was maybe 10 minutes, but it did the off/on thing for about 20. Basically, I was up and running that entire time. You see, Raina sleeps with a sound machine. It's either on the rain setting or white noise. By having her sleep that way, Chris and I can feel free to make as much noise as we want and not have to worry when the phone rings or a loud talker pays us a visit. Like myself, though, when the sound is turned off, she wakes up. She must have been totally zonked last night, though, 'cause she didn't wake up each time the machine turned off. However, when the power comes back on, the machine defaults (for some unknown stupid reason) to the rainforest setting, so instead of a nice peaceful steady rainfall coming through the speakers, you get instead squawking birds and everytime the power would come back on, I'd have to rush into her room to push the rain button before the Amazon would wake her. I lucked out...she slept through the entire thing. I had a hard time relaxing, though...there was a part of me that stayed on edge, just waiting for the power to go out again. I'm very proud of myself, though, in that I managed not to freak myself thoughts of ghosts or little grays, though I will admit that the thought that bad men had turned off my power so that their break-in could go a little smoother did cross my mind but only for a second.

Raina was mostly in a good mood today. We went to the gym this morning. I did my lifting routine and picked her up in less than 45 minutes. The day care lady mentioned that Raina seemed sad and asked if she was sick or something. I explained about Daddy being gone, but I think she was just tired. She ended up taking a good nap when we got home. Once up, we went to Costco and got some grapes and strawberries, and of course she got her slice of Costco pizza. I tried to put her down for a nap in the afternoon, and for a few minutes it looked like I was going to get lucky, but she was having none of it. Once again, too, a poop ruined the moment for her. I HATE it when that happens! So instead, I took her outside in her stroller for a quick romp at the park and playground. It was extremely gusty, so it was only a 30-minute trip. Once home, she was obviously tired but it was too early to start dinner and her bedtime routine, so I had to keep her busy so she wouldn't fall asleep. She wanted nothing to do with the chicken quesadillas I made and instead wanted only strawberries (that's mommy's girl, all right!). Bathtime was quick and uneventful, and by the time she was dressed for bed, she was pointing to the crib, ready to go. That was the end of her day...and thus the beginning of mine...

Once she was down, off came the jeans, on came the sweats, and on came the face mask. I LOVE face masks. I love it leaving them on all night, even though the tube says to leave it on for only 20 minutes. I like the way it feels when it starts to dry and you can feel it start to crack when you move your face. Chris has had to learn to live with my walking around looking like a horror movie monster. I took a pic of my mask and had planned to upload it, but I can't figure out how to do that. Chris took my usual camera and left me with the super duper fancy one that I don't know how to use. Grrrrrrr. Oh well. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll have it figured out.

In the mail today was a Valentine's card from Chris, with a little note saying that he had hidden chocolate in the living room for me and Raina. Sure enough, I found 2 big Hershey's bars. And sure enough, we ate them. Both. I figured my diet was thrown so far out the window today that a Yuengling tonight wouldn't hurt anything. It's been a tastes really good.

So, as far as tomorrow goes, it'll be the gym in the a.m. and then hopefully a nap before lunch for baby, and then I think we'll be visiting a fellow mommy friend who's been kind enough to invite us over. I'm looking forward to the company and change of scenery.

Oh, before I go...kitty pee update: So, he did it again. I woke up to smell kitty pee in the dining room, and sure enough, right in front of Raina's big monkey toy, soaked into the blanket I had down on the floor, was a big smelly pile of pee. I really hope for y'all's sake that this stops 'cause there's nothing that drives me crazier. I'll perseverate allllll day and night about this, really I will. My mother-in-law suggested a re-training method that I've decided to try. It involves locking him in one room with a box and food and water. Unfortunately that has to be the bedroom, but I'm willing to try it. We've tried so many other methods in the past, and obviously none of them have worked. If he pees on the bed, though, so help me...

Serenity now. Serenity now.

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