Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm a brunette now, so why can't I figure out my camera???


All it took was a reboot for my computer to finally acknowledge my camera. A lot of good that did me, 'cause now it tells me that there are no pictures on my camera even though I can see on the camera that there are. I'm so frustrated. Technology frustrates me. My inability to get it frustrates me.

Today was a little frustrating, too, but we got through day 3 as a twosome without too many scars...we had a lot of tears, though. Baby just couldn't seem to get into the swing of the day. She was okay early in the morning, but once nap time came and went without a nap, things just went kinda downhill for her. We cancelled a visit with a fellow mommy friend...there's just no point when she's that tired and cranky. She went down for a short afternoon nap, waking up crying and not stopping until about half-an-hour after waking up. Unfortunately for her, I had some errands I absolutely had to run. I know I'm lucky that I haven't had to deal with many store breakdowns with her, so I can't complain about the one she had today in Staples while I was faxing some documents. She cried and screamed the entire time...she even had 3 sales people trying to comfort her, but to no avail. To cheer her up, I took her to the pet store again, and I could tell that she appreciated the gesture. It helped that there were a lot of dogs in there today. I was looking forward to our scheduled Skype call with Daddy around 6, but 6 came and went and my efforts to keep Baby entertained failed miserably. By 6:15, she was practically begging for a bath. I'm glad I didn't make her wait any was close to 8 by the time Chris called. He's in Paris now...tomorrow is his first site-seeing day. I'm excited for him :)

My friend Michele comes tomorrow to keep us company. I'm very much looking forward to having her here. I just hope she's not bored to tears!

Pee kitty is still locked in the bedroom. Even though I don't like him, I am starting to feel a little sorry for him...but he'll live. He'll definitely live longer in the bedroom than if he comes out and pees on the floor again, that's fershur.

I'm itching to post pics so I'll have to settle for old ones since I'm still having camera issues. I dedicate these to the best daddy in the world :)

Awwwww...just a few days old (as you can tell from Dad's wrist :)

Super cute.

If she didn't have a dress on, she'd so be a mini-Chris.

Riding the Dad ride at the zoo last weekend.
We miss you!!! Kissy kissy.


granola girl said...

I hope you make it ok while Chris is gone...just think of all the nice presents he'll bring you back right? LOL!

I swear I thought that first picture of Chris look at the baby was of him looking at a baby doll.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Seeing Chris being a dad is making me all weepy. That is so damn nice!

Anonymous said...

ok, why did he go there, and for how long ?