Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A tip for overly emotional pregnant chicks

Do not schedule a vet appointment for late in the evening, like an hour before they close. Turns out this is the time they do a lot of their put-downs. So, while you're sitting there with your kitty who's STILL sick, waiting to get her weekly B-12 shot that seems like a waste of time treatment-wise, and trying to keep back your own tears because of an ongoing disagreement you seem to be having with the world, it is very likely that you will be subjected to the scene of a distraught lady coming in and explaining that her 14-year-old greyhound is outside, unable to walk by itself, and needs assistance to come in and get put down. Like this isn't bad enough...but then on your way out to the car, you happen to see the poor greyhound huddled on the cold ground, surrounded by its older caretakers who are obviously torn apart by what will be happening to them all in the next several moments, and you are then tasked with silencing your overwhelming sobs as you load your own getting-worse/not-better pet into the car so that you can drive home to continue your own stupid fight with the rest of the world...

...and the next thing you know, it'll be 1:30 in the morning and you are unable to get the image of that beautiful, broken greyhound out of your head and the waterfall will start all over again.

Damn you, world.

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