Monday, February 8, 2010

OMG, get this thing out of me

I need to vent. If you can't stand another complaining post, leave now and instead watch the evening news forecast another 6-10 inches on top of the 21 sitting outside as it is. OMG.

Was it this bad when I was pregnant with Raina??? I don't remember. At that time I was doing the myspace blog...maybe I should go back and read it...

I'm ready to give birth now. Now as in NOW...well, up until noon tomorrow and then I would ask that it hold off until maybe Thursday. Stupid snow.

You'd think my uterus was training for the Birthing Olympics. OMG, the Braxton-Hicks contractions are driving me INSANE. I've had them since very early on, like late 1st trimester, but these past couple days have been hell. They're to the point where I can't move when they come on. If I'm walking, I either have to stop or move in extreme slow-mo. I can't bend over. I can't talk normally or breathe normally for that matter. I feel like I'm gonna pee my pants. My belly gets so hard that I feel as though it's gonna pull a super hero move and tear open the front of my shirt. They wake me up during the few precious moments I'm able to sleep.

And I also have a 2-year-old who just doesn't understand why her Va-Va isn't playing with her like she used to. Pixar is replacing her as her best friend. Well, no, that's not true. Daddy is still Raina's best friend...then Pixar...then me.

And on top of all that, Phoebe-to-be has been moving nonstop. I can definitely feel a difference between her position and Raina's breech position. Phoebe is definitely head down...and definitely wishing she could add a few more square feet to her efficiency apartment. When she stretches, it feels like she's gonna break through. Several times tonight I clenched my fists and thought "Here it comes, here it comes, my water's GOTTA break with that one!" Obviously no such luck. Also, she won't let me slouch...I have to either stand up straight, sit very erect, or lay down on my side.

OMG, I could go on, I really could. I'll end the negativity by saying that I'm pretty sure Chris will get his wish of stopping at two. I have no love for being pregnant. I don't think I want to do it again.

I'm gonna end on a positive note...kinda. How 'bout a list of things I look forward to experiencing once this parasite leaves its host?....

  • Sleeping on my tummy. For Christmas, Chris bought me the same pillows that I fell in love with at Disney (close to $100, I think!). They're perfect for tummy sleepers and I have yet to be able to use them in that way. I CAN'T WAIT!
  • Having more than 40% of my body submerged during relaxing bubble baths. In order to cover everything that doesn't fit in the water now, I'd need to place a wet beach towel on top of myself. Beach towel, people; not wash cloth.
  • Glowing complexion. I'm only (optimistically) assuming things will go the same way they did the first time around. Beginning about 3 days after Raina's birth and lasting a glorious 4 months after that, I had the most wonderful skin. No make-up needed...which was AWESOME considering I had no time for such frivolity and I'm assuming I'll have even less this time around.
  • Decreased night-time peeing, going down from my current every-45-minutes schedule to my usual 2-or-3-times-a-night routine.
  • Sleeping again. Not that my sleep in an un-pregnant state is very's's just better than what it is when I'm pregnant.
  • The end of the restless legs. OMG, please let it end.
  • Getting my body back. I can't tell you how excited I am about starting bootcamp this spring!
  • Seeing my long-distance friends again. I'm the luckiest gal in the world when it comes to having the best husband. I have no doubt that he'll be super supportive in my taking weekends off here and there to visit my girls.
I'll stop there. I'm sure there's more, but I have to pee. Of course.

1 comment:

granola girl said...

You ACTUALLY think you'll sleep MORE once you have a new born and a toddler in the house?? Good luck with that! LOL!!

Seriously though I hope the end is near for you. I HATED being pregnant BOTH times. Throwing up for 5 months straight the first time was horrible then having surgery at 7 mo the second time around put a stop to ANY ideas of getting pregnant ever again!! Be happy you're just fat and miserable you could be on bed rest too ;)
On the positive side---you know with a 100% certainty that this is all worth it. Just look at #1 sleeping and you'll remember it! :)