Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Obviously my husband's fault

I am an early person. You tell me to be somewhere at 3 p.m., I'll be there at 2:45. Okay, I guess I should edit that a little by saying that I used to be like that before the kid came into the picture. Now I'll be there at 2:59 but still early.

I am officially 5 days late with having this baby. Five days...120 hours...7200 minutes...I'll stop there 'cause it seems like the more I do the math, the less impressive it gets.

I can't even begin to count the number of times I've been asked "Have you had the baby yet?" In fact, while sitting on a bench yesterday at the zoo, a woman pushing a stroller stopped in front of me and said "Oh my God, you haven't had that baby yet?!?" I met this woman last week at an indoor playground when at the time she asked me when I was due and I was able to say "Tomorrow." The hubby tells me almost every night that "Tonight would be a good night to go into labor." Ummm, don't you think I feel the same way, too?!? As much as I want to, I have no control over this!!! And believe me, I'm doing all sorts of extra home remedy-type stuff to try to speed this along...but ultimately I believe that it'll happen when it happens.

I just hope it happens before the 19th 'cause that's the maximum amount of time that my midwife is giving me. That will be at 2 weeks late. At that point, we're looking at an induction (and honestly, at that point I'll be mentally preparing myself for another c-section).

Last night I went to the mall to look for a place to get a pedicure. A woman, a complete stranger mind you, came up to me and said "You're having a girl, right?" I said "Yah, how'd you know?" She laughed, pointed at my belly, and said "Well, by how you look!" Sigh. Whatever. This was already after noticing the way people were staring at me and giving me way more passing room than I needed. I'm amazed people haven't asked me how many I'm having. I know a woman who recently had twins, and I'm way bigger than she ever got! (Don't even bother arguing, Melanie, 'cause I'm totally right :) A couple weeks ago, while at Giant Eagle getting a few groceries, I had 2 woman ask me if I needed help with carrying my basket...a basket that wasn't even full! On one hand it's like "Gee, that's so nice" and on the other hand I'm like "What the hell?!?"

Long story short, tonight would be a good night to go into labor.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Does this mean I should call before stopping by? :)

Seriously, I'm thinking about you EVERY day and waiting to hear the big news...!