Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So long, Suckers!

Yah yah yah, it's been a while since I've posted. Give this temporary single mom a break! Daddy comes home for good on Monday, so I hope to get back into the swing of things after that. As for me, I'm off to join him in Orlando for a few days. I leave tomorrow evening and we both fly back early Monday morning. While I'm there, Chris will be in training all day Friday and Saturday and then has to work until noon on Sunday, so we really won't have much time for Disney, but we're going to try to get some in. I'm excited...I've never been to Disney...but I'm also very much looking forward to the quality me time. I'll be going down with a cold, so I'll be slightly impaired, but I'm not going to let it slow me down too much. Gramma is driving down from Erie to babysit, so Raina will be in good hands.

I'll leave with a couple vids (if you can't see them, that means you're in facebook...gotta go to my blog).

This one is for Gramma to study before she comes down...and this is only a sampling of her signing vocabulary :)

This one shows the type A-ness of my baby...

See ya next week :)

1 comment:

Patton's With Passion said...

It figures, the few days its nice out here, you are gone. I wonder if it'll be cold again by the time you get back.