Monday, December 8, 2008

Playing catch-up

It's been too long. I need to get back into the swing of this blogging thing. It'd probably be best for me to promise to do so AFTER the holidays, though! I can't believe there's less than 3 weeks before Christmas. Ug. Don't even ask me what we're doing. We don't know yet. Double ug.

Anyways, the past couple weeks have been relatively uneventful. I would have to say that we have our baby back. She's still on soy, and I think we're just going to keep her on it. She's only supposed to get at most 20-some ounces of milk a day anyways. The only downside to the soy milk, though, is the poop. We had gotten used to the baby version of solid adult poop...but with soy, we're dealing once again with super soft (and extra spreadable) soy poop. Triple ug! Some good news, though...we're making headway on sippy cup training! In case you didn't know, Baby had no interest in holding her own bottle or cup, but check this out...

For some reason, she enjoys holding the milk in her mouth and showing it to us, resulting in most of it spilling out of her mouth. Here she is with the bottle (seriously, she didn't do this before today!):

Also, she's going through this tongue's always out. The girls at the gym daycare call her "The Tongue Baby."

Other happenings...we had the power go out last week. I cannot deal with power outages. I need my electricity, even when I'm not using it. Baby ended up waking up 'cause her white noise machine stopped, so the whole family played on the bed with Dad's blackberry while we waited for the power to come back. The outage only lasted a little more than an hour. A very long hour. Here's a pic of that:

On Saturday, we traveled to West Virginia to visit some friends from our old sangha. They cooked us a fantastic lunch and I got a knitting lesson. Yes, I'm trying my hand at knitting. I can't seriously commit to it just yet...I really have to buckle down on my coursework once Chris is done with his class this week...but once I'm done with that, I really want to work on knitting. I haven't been able to afford x-mas gifts for anyone these past couple years, and if I know how to knit, at least I'll be able to make everyone something that they'll probably never use. :) These past couple nights, I've been trying to get proficient with just the knit stitch, but I keep messing up. Once I can go several rows without messing up, then I'll move on to purl. Here's a sample of my educational mistakes:

So I think that makes you caught up. I don't have much going on this week either. Maybe a play date...some grocery shopping...hopefully x-mas decorating...
I'm seriously craving chocolate....

1 comment:

Patton's With Passion said...

Learning to knit is on my never ending to-do list and is ALWAYS at the top of my new year resolution list. Maybe I'll get around to it someday.

I love the colors!!