As for our Christmas, it went well. Santa thought we were pretty good this year. It looks like we got enough x-mas money that I'll be able to fly down to Florida and spend the weekend with the hubby while he's there for work...yet another motivating factor to stick to the new eating and exercise plan, that's fershur. Our "biggest" gift was a generator. Ha! I can't wait 'til our power goes out (I doubt we'll have to wait long) and we can fire that baby up and be the only ones on the street with power. Baby got all sorts of cool stuff...we had to leave her sand box behind since it wouldn't fit in the car, but it's not like it's sand box season anyways! One thing I have to brag about...I'm not one for shopping. In fact, I hate to shop, especially for myself...but I had a $50 gift card for Macy's so I was forced to go there a couple days after x-mas. Holy sales! I had no idea! I ended up getting a nice coat marked down from $169 to $42. If you know me well, you know I don't wear coats, and if I do, they're quite disgusting or ratty... but now I got me a nice one. I'm very pleased :)
Don't know why, but we didn't take many pics this x-mas, which I'm kind of regretting now, but oh well. Here's one, though, of me and the little one.
Anyways, hope everyone had a good one. The latest I'll be back is Monday, with yet another pic of my gross feet.
Your feet don't LOOK that
A generator! How perfect for you. And for your aquarium!
Relay marathon on May, huh? Hmmmm.... maybe I'll join you :)
Be on the lookout for a facebook message ;)
You are one crazy brave girl but I see the incentive to putting yourself out there. I too am trying to get my butt on the treadmill but the waking up before the baby thing is REALLY REALLY REALLY hard!
What is your "plan"---I heard you say you have a food plan what else are you doing?
You are a braver person than I'll ever be. The feet could use some work (hint-hint a visit is in order).
Marathon?? What Marathon? Race for the Cure? Speaking of the Cure, I got their new CD.
Feet fixin' and listening to the Cure...sound good??
That the album any good? ;)
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