Monday, January 18, 2010

Stupid neuroses!

I'm really trying to lighten up when it comes to messes...well, at least child-induced messes (I'm afraid I'll always be prone to rage when it comes to kitty-induced messes). Today we busted out some ink and stamps that Raina got for Christmas. Here's a little video of it. The (barely) contained panic of a possible doomsday-magnitude mess is apparent in my voice. I'm trying, though...really, I am!

It reminds me of when my kitty was a little kitten. I would light a candle and then spend the rest of its ignited time envisioning my kitty walking too close to the candle, thus igniting her tail and causing her to run around the house, brushing up against everything flammable, burning us all to a crisp. The end result: I'd blow out the candle 5 minutes after lighting it. Today, at the moment Raina discovered that it was way more fun to put her hand in the ink as opposed to the stamp, I had similar visions...I could see her pushing herself off the easily stainable kitchen nook seats and flying directly into the dining room to play peek-a-boo with my white curtains and then crawling across the floor onto the white rug and then pulling herself onto the couch in order to bang her hands on the wall... Yah, my mind was going on and on. I consider it a major accomplishment that I didn't even roll her sleeves up! :)


Melanie said...

HAHAHAHA!! You had me laughing here!

Jennifer Coady said...

So cute! I love how she even has the "tongue out" technique down pat. ;-) I only heard the panic in your voice once, when you said, "Not on the face." I wish I had the courage, I just do the washable finger paint in the hallway where there is cheap linoleum flooring and the kids wear daddy's t-shirts.

michele said...

That was Wonderful!!!!