Monday, September 27, 2010

The Neverending Story

Why, oh why, can't I have a few days of pick-your-own-adventure???

And this was the less mild of her tantrums today.

I have to laugh. I HAVE to...or else I lose my sanity.


Melanie said...

Would it be just awful if I said that that totally made my day -- and actually made ME feel more sane!! Like...oh, I'm SO not the only one hearing this all of the time??!!

Miss Jess said...

Actually, Melanie, I read your latest blog entry today and had you in my thoughts as I posted these vids. I hoped they would help you through your day a little :)

granola girl said...

Xia would like to know "why she was crying?" I'm just curious myself if she "wanted" something she wasn't allowed to have or just being totally irrational. Honestly I couldn't stand 15 minutes of that I would have been trying lots of distraction techniques which I'm sure you were too.

Good luck with that it DOES get better. I have a sweet 4 yo now who was a TERRIBLE TWO if I ever say one!!!

Miss Jess said...

I had told her it was time to get ready (potty time, dressed, etc.) so that we could go pick up daddy from work. She insisted I stay upstairs with her. Meanwhile, Phoebe was downstairs unsupervised. Once I went downstairs, all hell broke loose. There is no distracting her when she's like that.