Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Business partner needed

So I sit here this evening alone...Chris is at school and Raina is in bed and the kitties are off puking somewhere in the depths of this black hole that is our house. I just finished reading the blogs of people I know...smart, industrious, put-together people....ya know, the type you wish you could be like, even if it were just for a day 'cause you know that day would be glorious. I'm "supposed" to be working out...the wedding is only a couple weeks away...but instead, I sit here and perseverate on chocolate. Chocolate. In all forms...frozen, melted, dark, white, you name it. And then I start to wonder...Why the hell isn't there a sweets delivery service? There's take-out for everything else but no one to call for my sweet tooth. Why? Has someone tried and it failed? Seems to me like a ticket to a cushy early retirement. Put up flyers in daycares, salons, playgrounds, mall family restrooms...anywhere moms hang out. Shoot, anywhere anyone with fluctuating demon hormones hangs out. Also -- and I can't speak for anywhere other than Pittsburgh...maybe it's just P'burgh-specific -- but ya know how we have flower vendors on every other major corner? I have to think that I could do more business than them if I were out there with a little cooler packed with Reeses, Hersheys, Heathes, etc. And for the mom with children in the car who shouldn't eat sweets, I could sell "carrots"...I could pass out a "menu" list which explains in small print at the bottom that ordering "carrots" will actually get you a brown paper bag of chocolate, but the kids will be none the wiser.

Seriously, does anyone want to fund me in this?!?


Melanie said...

Hi! Would TOTALLY support monetarily in this endeavor if person to whom I was married was currently making money. Hmmm...maybe in a few months? :)

James Paulick said...


On Chocolate proliferation - it's a great idea, Jess.

However, I would just appreciate that you moderate others' comments such that the person to whom I am married cannot throw sucker punches at me surreptitiously through other peoples' blogs claiming that I don't earn any money.

what a cheap shot.


Anonymous said...

Those 2 comments made me laugh!

Nice blog... As for the idea - could work. The substance has already been used in the romantic sense so the opposite may work as well I guess! I found something that works quite as well: VODKA! LOL :-)