Wednesday, June 16, 2010

To be a sleep deprived mom... to feel like her contacts are always cloudy to find the remote control, phone, and car keys in the fridge (not put there by children) to have below-zero patience for a toddler to wants to "Do it myself!" to forget what it's like to have a real hair style to wear PJs 24/7 to feel like she just can't to work really hard to hold a conversation and even harder to remember it later to think PB&J sandwiches for every meal is an awesome idea to be the world's most awful wife to not know the day of the week but to know it's not the weekend to think that "living in filth" is not as bad as the 6 o'clock news makes it sound to not remember how she spends her waking moments to wish that her facebook friends were more active between 11p.m. and 5 a.m. being okay with her left shoulder smelling like spoiled milk to feel numb...yet feel intensely to drive without seeing signs and lights to miss her dreams of Dr. House to wish everyone else were sleep-deprived, too, 'cause there's nothing more defeating than a fellow perky mom who's got it all together

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