Monday, January 19, 2009

Midol, anyone?

First things first:

3 pounds! Go me! That's about 10ish pounds total in 2ish weeks. Now I have to be honest about one thing...I actually took this pic Sunday morning, not this morning...reason being that I pigged out Sunday night during the Steelers game with super nachos and ice cream. Add on top of that being bloated because of that time...yah, today's scale number was not so good. I tried to make up for it by going to a bootcamp class at the gym this morning at, get this, 5:45. OMG is right. It was a total waste, though, considering how I ate today...once again, I blame it on that time. See a pattern?!? I'm on my way to spending at least 90 minutes on the treadmill downstairs tonight and then it's back to being super good tomorrow. I have to admit that I busted my ass last week to lose what I did. My pants, though, are looser...always a good thing :)

I'm keeping this short tonight. For some reason (no, wait, I know the reason...that time) I just have not been able to get back into this internet thing. I've slacked on this, I haven't answered e-mails, I've been less active on's some sort of funk that I hope passes soon. Please don't hate me until then.


Patton's With Passion said...

I don't hate you, but I am super proud! <--- yes, Chris, an improper use of the exclamation point.

Miss Jess said...

OMG, I just remembered I owe you a lesson! I'm writing you RIGHT NOW. I swear!

Anonymous said...

Good job.

granola girl said...

Ok what and how are you eating that you lost that much in 2 weeks?

Do you exercise more then once a day? Is that allowed?

And 90 MINUTES on the treadmill??!?!?! I did 42min once and was so proud of myself. 30min is my goal every time and that is rough to commit bored!
Do you run or walk it?
Do I sound super slacker when I say 3.5 mph is a nice steady pace?

Too many questions I know but just curious and need support and motivation---I have none at this moment because I have a splitting headache, a missing husband (still window blind shopping) and three children who are STILL awake!! So you are my exercise guru self-helper LOL! ;)

Miss Jess said...

I'm loosely following the same diet that the Celebrity Fit Clubbers do. Basically, portion and calorie control. Big losses are typical in the beginning. The scale will start to slow way down any day now. As for working out a lot, I HAVE to. Dieting alone doesn't do much for me. It used to, when I was younger, but ever since I turned 30, I have to bust my butt with exercise to see any results. I'm sure working at the gym and teaching all those classes conditioned by body to be that way, too. Darn! Anyways, I lift weights for an hour every other day and I try to get AT LEAST 45 minutes of cardio 6 days a week. Sometimes that doesn't work out, usually because of baby, which is why I stick in one or two 90-minute sessions per week. I'm trying to run 3 miles consistently by the end of this month, but I also do incline and intervals as well, walking and running. Remember, I have longer legs than you, so 3.5 is the speed I warm up at and walk at on a 10% incline. If you feel like you're working it and breaking a sweat, then that's good; though it might be beneficial to add in some intervals :) Fun!

Anonymous said...

She busts her ass. I sit in the living room eating chips and salsa watching Aqua Teen Hungerforce listening to the zzzzush-zzzush-zzzzush of the treadmill. I wish I had the motivation to do a 25% of what she does.

Miss Jess said...

I'm doin' it for you, too, babe. You know I'm much happier, thus more enjoyable to be around, when my thighs don't rub together :)